
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Tot School

Plans are underway for Zoe to begin "Tot School". Basically the idea behind Tot School is intentional, fun, learning-centered time with your tot. I think back to my time when Robert and Andrew were little. I'd sit on the floor and sing them songs, talk about colors, letters, numbers, shapes and read a ton of books. We'd work puzzles, sort objects by shape, color, type, etc. Now that I have two big boys and a little tot, I've noticed that my intentional "learning" time with Zoe is significantly less because I'm busy teaching math or science to my two older boys the majority of the day. I want to spend this time focused completely on Zoe and having fun as we focus on early-learning skills.

You can head over to 1+1+1=1 and learn more about Tot School. A bunch of moms and tots all over the globe participate in Tot School and share their ideas. The power of the online community never ceases to amaze me. As a homeschooling mom, I don't feel like I have to re-invent the wheel or come up with a million ideas all on my own. We can come together to share with other moms who are homeschooling or doing Tot School too.

One of the ideas that several moms doing Tot School is "tot trays". You put the activity on a tray. This tray provides the place to do many of the activities, and is easy for them to clean-up. I had originally planned on purchasing trays like these,

but they've proven hard to find. Oriental Trading is no longer carrying them and I found some online (in really ugly colors) and they are still expensive and the shipping was outrageous.

Never underestimate the power of the Wal-Mart clearance isle. I found these for $1 each. These will definitely hold us over for a while and if I can score some of the other kind for a decent price, great, but for now, I think these will be just fine!

Some ideas for Tot School may include: pouring, transferring, beading, spooning, hiding items in uncooked pasta or beans, sorting, matching, counting, cutting, gluing, simple arts and crafts, fine motor skills, stickers, etc.

These are things to do WITH your child. If you're looking for Tot Tray ideas, you should head over to 1+1+1=1 and check them out. There are lots of activities for a variety of ages. Most importantly, it should be FUN!

I'm off to make some Tot School plans for this cute girlie!


1 comment:

  1. Yay for Tot School! Be sure to check out my blog - we've been doing Tot School for a year now. FYI - Oriental Trading gets the trays back in every few months, and they go on sale SUPER cheap, too. They also have good trays at Lakeshore Learning, but I think the ones you are using are SUPER! I actually love that they are round! I can't wait to see the fun ideas you come up with for sweet Zoey!
